I made this after Christmas but you can make one anytime. This a great use of those Christmas cards you get with photographs of your friends and family. I didn't want to get rid of last year's pictures when this year's arrived in the mail. Instead of sticking them in a box, I made a garland that I could keep up all year long. You could do this with any photos or any cards. I love reusing cards as decorations. Here are pictures of the process. Easy as pie.
I cut the photo cards and a few other pretty cards into soft cloud shapes with scissors. You'll need a hole punch and some yarn.
I laid out the shapes on a table in the order I wanted them to hang.
String the yarn through the holes and tie a knot to keep it in place. Space them evenly apart. This is the garland hanging on a blank spot on our bulletin board. Those sweet faces are my nieces and nephews.
It looks nice hanging across a painting or with other photos.
Or hung across the top of a window.
It ended up back on our bulletin board with our photos and art.